Monday, July 21, 2014

Wrigley Family Photos

Want to know a little secret about photographing children? Never make it about the photographs.

You can make it about a silly little doll who tries walking all over your camera.

You can make it about how scary they look in their nice clothes and try hiding from them behind the camera.

You can make it about jumping off things that their parents would scold them for.

You can make it about playing superhero, or trying to get grandpa to laugh.

But whatever you do- don't make it about the photos.

Unless of course they like to pretend they are super-models. Then go all eccentric Italian photographer on them and tell them "I love it! Work it!" in a funny accent.

Assuming all goes well, even the most-ardent "I hate photos" child will end up looking like this:

Enjoy a few highlights from the Wrigley's family photo shoot....


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